Tortuous Colon

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The medical condition of a redundant colon is referred to as a tortuous colon. The normal length of a colon is around five feet. The colon in patients tends to be abnormally long due to which it twists and loops many more times than normal to be able to fit in the space present in lower part of abdomen. This condition is very uncommon.

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Even though the name somehow signifies the presence of pain or torture, a tortuous colon does not cause any kind of distress or pain. The name only refers to the additional number of bends and loops of the colon. Intestines of different lengths tend to exhibit such bends, but a redundant colon especially has excessive number of bends and hence the unique name.

The condition of tortuous colon is harmless and is not marked by occurrence of adverse symptoms or medical problems. However, some patients may suffer from excessive number of loops and bends of the abnormally long colon which can then lead to symptoms like serious curling and twisting of the large bowl, constipation, and other problems of the bowel. Severe twisting of colon may also trigger obstructions in the bowels which can then turn into a serious medical complication.

The colon disorder may be present from birth or it can be triggered by intake of a bad diet and/or irregular eating habits. Minor cases can be resolved with lifestyle and diet changes, while serious health complications need to be treated by a doctor.

The belief that tortuous colon plays a role in development of cancer or that it is an early sign of cancer is incorrect. All studies have shown that there are no association between redundant colon and cancers.


The condition of tortuous colon is rare and it is typically asymptomatic. Patients who do experience symptoms often suffer from mild gastrointestinal issues and bowel disorders. A few common signs and symptoms are as follows:

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  • Cramps in abdomen, bloating, excessive gas, and irregularity of bowel movements are the symptoms which are often observed in patients. These symptoms are usually clear indicators of redundant colon, and doctors typically recommend tests for presence of the condition if above symptoms are seen.
  • In some cases, skin rashes and other skin issues may also develop. Skin problems are usually a side effect of irregular or reduce removal of toxins via colon from the body.
  • An abnormally elongated colon marked by excessive number of twists and turns can occasionally trigger occurrence of intestinal blockages. Bowel obstruction can then result in symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation, mucus in stool, blood in stool, vomiting, and general inflammation/swelling/bloating. Bowel blockages are regarded as a serious health problems requiring immediate medical care.

Causes of tortuous colon

The colon is a hollow and long tubular body structure present in the lower part of the abdomen. It is joined to the small bowel at one tip and the anus at other end. The normal length of the colon or the large intestine is around five feet. Its main function is to absorb water and other fluids from digested food and waste matter, thereby making it more solid, and to convert it into stool which gets eliminated from body through the anus.

Medically the condition of tortuous colon is called redundant colon. The colon tends to be excessively long and may exhibit additional number of twists, bends, and loops to be able to adjust in the designated lower abdominal space.

The condition of tortuous colon may be congenital in some individuals. It can also form over several years due to bad eating and dietary habits. Intake of foods with low fiber usually results in formation of harder feces. Hard stool can then cause slow movement of waste across colon, constipation, increased strain when passing stool, and other bowel problems. The mix of all the above listed factors can put excessive pressure on the large intestine and lengthen it, thereby leading to occurrence of tortuous colon.


Doctors may diagnose a case of redundant colon on the basis of the adverse gastrointestinal symptoms. They may then recommend different tests, including a procedure called colonoscopy.

During a colonoscopy, the doctor will insert a medical instrument called a colonoscope via the anus into the rectum and verify if the colon is tortuous or not. This method is especially efficient in diagnosis of a redundant colon with extreme twists and loops.

Treatment of tortuous colon

Doctors will recommend treatment only if tortuous colon causes adverse symptoms or bowel problems. A few treatment options are listed below:

  • Reducing the stress on large intestine can help find relief from mild symptoms. Bowel stress can be alleviated via intake of a fiber rich diet and increased consumption of water and other fluids; these will help loosen hard stool and facilitate easy defecation.
  • In some cases, laxatives may be used to allow for smoother elimination of feces
  • Intestinal blockages triggered by tortuous colon may have to be surgically treated.
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