How to get rid of Lie Bumps?

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Medically known as ‘transient lingual papillitis,’ lie bumps are tiny red or white bumps that form on the tongue’s surface and persist for a short time. ‘Lie bumps’ condition has no relation to the myth of it appearing due to telling lies.

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Lie bumps are not contagious. Patients may experience irritation and mild pain. The condition may occur due to factors such as deficiency of vitamin B, excessive cleaning and scraping of tongue, and trauma to tongue via intake of food with sharp edges, etc. Home remedies for lie bumps include gargling with salt water, cold compression, intake of ice-cold water, etc.


Lie bumps are temporary; they stay for sometime before resolving on their own. The signs and symptoms are mild, but can be discomforting. A few common symptoms of lie bumps are listed below:

  • Formation of one raised, painful, white or red bump on the tongue, typically at the tip. It persists for a day or two and then clears on its own. It tends to recur weeks, months, or even years later.
  • Sometimes, the bumps or lesions may be many; they may vanish in some hours or last for many days. These lesions may occur along with tingling or burning sensations.
  • Lie bumps may cause mild discomfort or pain and pose difficulties in eating food. Sometimes, they become inflamed and very painful. In such cases, tenderness and pain can continue for many days.
  • Lie bumps clear off easily if they are not subject to irritation.
  • It does not occur along with enlargement of lymph glands or other ailments. As per a few reports, lie bumps may have links with scalloped spots on either side of tongue and/or with geographic tongue.

Causes of lie bumps

The exact cause of lie bumps is not known. Some of the factors which may increase the risk to formation of lie bumps are listed below:

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  • Trauma to the tongue due to scraping and rubbing caused by intake of foods with sharp borders. Injury or irritation to the papillae due to other causes.
  • Excessive scrubbing or rubbing of tongue when cleaning it
  • Drinking fluids that are very hot can irritate and burn the tongue’s surface as well as the inner lining of the oral cavity, thereby triggering the formation of lie bumps.
  • The condition is often observed in young women, but people of both genders and age groups are vulnerable to developing lie bumps. The condition tends to occur in more than 50 percent of the population.
  • Lack of vitamin B in the diet
  • Other risk factors include excessive intake of acidic or sour food; gastrointestinal problems or upset stomach; hormonal imbalance, changes, or fluctuations; and stress, etc.

Treatment of lie bumps

Lie bumps do not need any medical treatment as the condition typically heals on its own in a few hours or a couple of days. Doctors may suggest antiseptic mouthwashes or topical steroids for persistent or extremely painful cases.

Patients may follow the below listed home remedies for alleviation of mild symptoms and to get rid of lie bumps:

  • Application of plain ice cream or cold compresses on the tongue. It will numb the affected area and provide relief from tenderness and pain. You may also drink cold fluids and/or eat yoghurt or other soothing foods.
  • Diabetics with lie bumps may apply ice cubes on the tongue. It will provide temporary relief. Use ice cubes again if discomfort returns.
  • Mix dried figs with boiled milk and drink it while still warm. Figs are known for cleaning the stomach and overcoming indigestion and other gastric issues.
  • Inflamed lie bumps are at risk to infection. People with inflammation of the bumps should gargle with a solution warm water and salt before going to sleep. Salt has antiseptic qualities and can thus help prevent infection. Gargling with salt water can also help ease pain.
  • Another remedy to alleviate symptoms and get rid of lie bumps is chewing mint leaves. The pain will ease significantly if u chew mint leaves every day.

A few preventive and curative measures for lie bumps are as follows:

  • Avoid excessive rubbing and scrubbing of tongue when cleaning it.
  • Prevent vitamin B deficiency and lie bumps by eating fruits, green leafy veggies, and vitamin B rich foods. You may also take vitamin B supplements.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet to prevent indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems. Eat whole grain foods and avoid or limit the intake of refined foods.
  • Do not drink hot liquids or beverages when affected by lie bumps. Doing so with aggravate the condition and cause them to become inflamed, thereby increasing the discomfort and pain.



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