White Spots in Stool

White Spots in Stool

Changes in stool color may be noticed by people who are more observant. The normal stool color should be brown after normal digestion of whatever the individual has consumed. In…
Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum

Erythema nodosum is a medical irregularity that leads to development of red nodules or rounded lumps right below the surface of the skin. It commonly occurs on the shins. This…


Angioedema also spelled as ‘angiooedema’ and is referred to as Quincke’s edema. It is a condition characterized by rapid swelling of the dermis, mucosa, submucosal tissues and subcutaneous tissues. The…
Actinic Cheilitis

Actinic Cheilitis

Actinic Cheilitis is also called as Actinic Cheilosis or even ‘Sailor’s lips’. This is a type of cheilitis which can be considered as the counterpart of skin Actinic Keratosis which…


Keratoacanthoma abbreviated as KA is considered as a common skin tumor of low intensity. This tumor does not tend to invade or metastasize. The tumor in this case is believed…