Pain Between Shoulder Blade And Spine

Pain Between Shoulder Blade And Spine
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When you have pain that is felt between the shoulder blade and your spine, you might be curious to know what is causing it. Shoulder pain can be at times grueling and may not easily go away. When you try making some movement, you can feel the pain. Pain that tends to come from the area between an individual’s shoulder blade and their spine can range from modest to severe. Sometimes, the pain is so sharp that a little twist or movement of shoulder blade makes you very uncomfortable. A sharp pain involving the area between the spine and shoulder blades may arise from physical trauma, a pull, or an underlying disease. Remember pain in this region can radiate or it’s comes from other areas, something known as referred pain. When you have pain in the region between the spine and shoulder blade, it may feel like you have a spasm or knot in that area.

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What Causes Pain Between The Spine and Shoulder Blades

If you are experiencing pain within the area between your spine and the shoulder blades, it is because of spasms or knots that have formed in the muscles. The knots make it difficult even for the easiest physical activity do to. Right handed persons tend to experience pain that manifests in the area between their spine and right shoulder blades. On the other hand, left-handed individuals tend to have pain that is much felt between the spine and the left shoulder blades. Mainly, muscles are programmed to work in a certain way, when there is interruption or trauma that affects how the muscles work, it can bring about pain.

Poor posture: You may think that the sitting position you are in is the right way to have it, however, most likely your sitting posture isn’t correct. Although you may not have discomfort, you could be straining the muscles in shoulder blades and discs of spine.  Most of the people don’t involve themselves in physical activities. They spend many hours sitting on their desks at workplace never even taking some breaks to walk around or stretch their body. Improper posture is a main cause of backache, shoulder blade pain, and other forms of discomforts. When you look at your spine or back, you will find that when seated, it is not straight the way it should. Probably, the back is bent.

What happens is that, the way you have trained your body to sit or stand, when in that position even when it’s not the right posture, you probably won’t have discomforts. That’s because the muscles tend to become accustomed or adapt to that posture. What you may not realize is that you are doing harm to yourself.

Because when seated or standing you bend forward, the front muscle including the shoulder an chest muscles tend to tighten, shorten, and become stiff.  The back muscles on the other hand are overstretched. Whenever there is a change involving muscle movement that moves them beyond the range they are used to stretching, there may be discomfort and pain as a result of exertion.

Lack of muscle flexibility: Again, because you are used to positioning the muscles in a particular flexibility range, when you overstretch them, it can cause pain. Overstretching may happen when you lift weight, stretch the body, or exercise. There is usually sudden exertion that places strain on the muscles. You may have pain that feels from shoulder blades and extends to reach the spine. If your muscles are not used to excessive stretching and pulling, then save them the strain because it can induce pain. You may even tear the muscles when you overly strain them.

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Sleep posture: The way you sleep may also affect your shoulder muscles. Probably you sleep on one side or you lean sideway when sleeping. The mattress you sleep on may not be supporting the body as required and the back is exposed to bending. These sleep posture changes can take their toll on shoulder and back muscles including the spine. You may begin to have pain within shoulder blade area and the spine.

How To Alleviate The Pain

Because pain between shoulder blades and spine area may arise due to many things including an underlying disease, it would be important that you check with a physician before you begin any form of remedy. The pain could actually be a symptom of a serious health problem in body.  You can ease the discomfort and pain by using the following remedies:

Hot and cold compresses: You can apply ice onto the area where the pain is occurring. Using ice wrapped in a cloth, you can relieve pain by placing it on the affected part.  Hot compresses work in a similar way, and you use a cloth that is soaked in hot water and squeezed before placing onto the affected area.

Massage rhomboid muscle: You can reduce the pain occurring in the location between shoulder blades and a person’s spine by massaging or rubbing the rhomboid muscle. Because the pain you have involves muscles, it is best when you work on those muscles. Rhomboid muscles occur on either side of a person’s back and they can become painful if they have been overstretched, pulled, traumatized, or strained.

By gently massaging the muscle, it will help eliminate the pain. The pain you are feeling in the region between shoulder blades and your spine may be due to triggered points within your neck. Working on the scalene muscles found on either sides of an individual’s neck can also help ease pain.

Exercises:  If you have pain, you want to exercise the body and target the effected muscles. You can take yoga moves that help eliminate back pain and shoulder pain. When taking the movements, ensure that you stretch out slowly and not suddenly.  Walk around and avoid sitting in same location for long hours. Breaks between sittings can help prevent spasms and knots that are associated with muscle pain. When sitting down, sit the head forward, try to straighten the back so that you don’t pull the neck muscle or bend the back and overstretch back muscles. Also, remain active and use your muscles to give them more flexibility and range of movement.

When attempting the exercises, make sure there is someone to help you. You never know, something may go wrong and you need help before you injure the muscles again. A professional guide will ensure you don’t hurt yourself or overstretch the muscles.

If the pain is severe, painkillers may be taken to relieve it. Anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce swelling and inflammation if they accompany the pain.


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