Blood Clot in Finger

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A blood clot is clump or bump of dried blood. Medically referred to as thrombus, blood clot occurs due to local accumulation of varied components of blood. Blood clots, just like blood clot in finger, typically disappear over time on their own. Blood clotting occurs as a natural bodily process and helps prevent increased bleeding caused by injuries. Excess clotting which occurs on important organs, without any underlying bleeding, is a serious condition which may result in death of the patient.

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Symptoms of blood clot in finger

The severity of symptoms accompanying a blood clot in finger is dependent on the level of blood vessel occlusion. Early identification of a blood clot can help avoid adverse effects of the condition. A few common symptoms which may occur along with blood clot in finger are listed below:

  • Sudden onset of mild to severe pain
  • The affected finger may experience cramps or numbness
  • Burning sensation or feelings of warmth
  • Redness around the blood clot
  • The affected finger may experience discoloration ranging from reddish, to purplish, to black
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Increased tenderness of the finger


Blood clot in finger develops due to thickening of the plasma protein, platelets, and other blood components. These thicken to make a semi-solid mass which gets termed as a blood clot. The process of blood clot in finger formation usually occurs due to some kind of injury, but it can also develop within the blood vessels without any apparent cause.

A blood clot which develops inside a vein is referred to as venous thromboembolism VTE; it is a serious and life threatening health disorder.

A blood clot in finger generally occurs due to harmless reasons. However, as it can also be caused by potentially fatal underlying medical conditions, it is important for patients to seek medical attention, especially if the clot does not disappear within a few days.

Blood clot in finger may be caused due to:

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  • Blood vessels damage
  • Injury or trauma like the finger slamming against an object or getting pinched in a door
  • Prolonged bed-rest accompanied by immobilization; for e.g., in paralyzed or coma patients, or those who have undergone surgery
  • Tearing of cholesterol plaque present in blood vessels triggers bleeding, eventually causing blood to clot
  • If blood remains stagnant and does not keep flowing, then blood clots may form
  • Complete occlusion of a blood vessel by a blood clot in finger can hamper proper circulation of blood, thereby causing the affected finger to discolor
  • Underlying conditions such as cardiac failure, deep vein thrombosis, antiphospholipid syndrome (which is marked by easy clotting of blood), cardiac arrhythmias, prolonged standing or sitting, smoking, alcohol abuse, varied kinds of cancers, and stroke.

The below list risk factors can increase the vulnerability to developing blood clot in finger:

  • Family history of abnormal blood clotting
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Aged people over 60 years old
  • Hormone replacement therapy

Treatment of blood clot in finger

Treatment of blood clot in finger is dependent on the underlying cause. If the clot persists for more than 3 to 5 days without showing any signs of healing, then patients need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and relevant treatment.

In mild cases, patients may follow the below listed home remedies to find relief from the symptoms accompanying the blood clot:

  • Use cold compresses on the affected finger. This will help ease the pain and reduce swelling
  • Reduce the consumption of protein rich foods. Such food facilitate the coagulation capacity of blood
  • OTC medications like ibuprofen or aspirin may be taken for pain alleviation and blood thinning
  • Dehydration tends to raise blood viscosity which in turn increases the chances of blood thickening. Hence, drink lots of water and other fluids to prevent dehydration

Blood clot under the nail is generally caused due to some kind of trauma or injury to the finger. This type of blood clot in fingernail is often marked by severe pain. Draining it can help alleviate the pain.

Follow the steps given below to get rid of the blood clot under nail. It is important to note that diabetic patients should not try this first aid option.

  • Place a needle on a flame and heat it till it is extremely hot
  • Use the very hot needle tip to melt through the nail.
  • Avoid applying pressure on the needle; do not push the needle
  • Once the needle melts through the nail, keep it on the clot till it pops and gets completely removed
  • The blood will ooze out from the home and this will help ease the pain
  • Soak the affect finger in warm clean water for around 10 minutes, around 4 to 5 times on a daily basis till the hole heals
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