Vesicular Rash

Vesicular Rash
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The vesicular rash is a common condition brought about by a wide range of reasons. However, whenever you get a vesicular rash on your skin, you should not handle it on your own. Visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. And get the right treatment for the underlying cause.

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A vesicular rash is characterized by several vesicles appearing on the skin. These are usually in different sizes, from small to moderate, and in some rare cases, they can be a big as blisters. The vesicles are always transparent, round in shape and are filled with liquid. The liquid in the vesicles can have colors ranging from white to yellow, depending on what disease has caused them to appear. The liquid may also be clear and usually mixed with blood, giving it a red or pink color.

Another characteristic of a vesicular rash is the appearance of multiple lesions, which are red in color and cause the surrounding tissues to become inflamed. In almost all cases, vesicular rash is accompanied by a lot of itching. When the patient scratches the itch, the vesicles break and the liquid is released. Te liquid then forms crusts on the skin, which are quite unsightly. This is why you should not handle vesicular rash by yourself; when the vesicles break, the skin is exposed to bacteria and other harmful pathogens, which can enter the body and cause secondary infections.

Causes of Vesicular Rash

As mentioned before, a vesicular rash can appear due to several factors. Here are some of the most common:

  • An allergic reaction
  • Contact dermatitis,
  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Autoimmune factors such as bullous pemphigoid
  • Cold sores
  • Viral infections such as shingles, herpes or chicken pox
  • Skin conditions
  • Streptococcal or staphylococcal bacterial infection (impetigo).

As you may now see, a vesicular rash can appear due to both severe and minor infections in the body. There are people who will develop it because of coming into contact with something that they are allergic to; and others where it may be a sign of a serious disease. You should always go to the doctor to find out why you have developed a vesicular rash. You should always protect yourself if you are prone to getting vesicular rashes due to allergic reactions; this is a disturbing condition and you should avoid it at all costs.

Treatment for Vesicular Rash

You know that vesicular rash is caused by a wide range of conditions, and therefore the treatment will be dependent on the particular root cause of the disease. The first treatment that is given to all cases of vesicular rash is an anti-inflammatory drug which will reduce the itching and inflammation of the skin. Where the rash has appeared due to an allergic reaction, oral and topical antihistamines are administered, since the reduce the allergic reactions, itchiness and inflammation. Severe vesicular rashes caused by serious allergic reactions are treated through the use of corticosteroids; both oral and topical. These medications have strong side effects and should only be used for short periods. The side effects can have other ramifications for the overall health of the body.

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In cases of a bacterial infection causing the vesicular rashes, the doctor will prescribe a regimen of antibiotics, both orally and topically. You should complete the whole course of antibiotics if you are taking the oral ones; this reduces the resistance of the bacteria to the drugs. You may also ask for probiotic supplements because antibiotics can have adverse effects on the healthy intestinal flora.

In cases of viral infections, you will get antiviral medication; these will remove the virus that is causing the vesicular rash to appear.

In cases where the rash is caused by an autoimmune reaction, then corticosteroids are the standard treatment.

Prevention of Vesicular Rash

For people who suffer from allergies, the prevention of vesicular rash should be important to you. You should be tested and find out which allergens you should avoid. This will help you avoid having this disturbing rash. You should also avoid sharing objects such as glasses and forks with other people so as to avoid bacterial or viral infections that can bring the disease about.

When to treat a vesicular rash as a medical emergency

There are times when a vesicular rash may appear due to a serious medical condition. If the patient is having a serious allergic reaction, having difficulties breathing, has a lot of wheezing and cyanosis, then this means that there is a serious medical emergency on your hands. Rushing the patient to the hospital is of great importance. The person should get an adrenaline injection which will help stop the closing of the airways. It is also important for someone who suffers from severe allergic reaction to have an epinephrine injection ready at all times.

Vesicular Rash – Pictures


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