Chlorine Rash

Chlorine rash refers to an abnormality of the skin which occurs after it is exposed to chlorine. Most people develop the skin rash after swimming in pools, as pools are…
Is Malaria Contagious?

Is Malaria Contagious?

Malaria is a medical anomaly caused due to parasites which gets transmitted primarily through mosquito bites. The condition causes recurrent episodes of fever and tremor. It is recorded that approximately…
Geographic Tongue

Geographic Tongue

Geographic tongue is also referred to with a set of different terms such  as migratory glossitis, erythema migrans, glossitis areata exfoliativa and wandering rash of tongue, etc. In this medical…
Bullous pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is a skin disease featuring large blisters filled with fluids which affect those skin areas that experience persistent stretching, such as the lower abdomen, the armpit muscles, and…
Graves Disease

Graves Disease

Graves' disease is an illness caused by immune system malfunction which results in hyperthyroidism or elevated secretion of thyroid hormones. Graves' disease is one of the most prevalent causes of…
Swollen Tonsils

Swollen Tonsils

Swollen tonsils are often caused due to a condition called Tonsillitis; in fact both are used as synonyms to each other. Tonsillitis is a condition wherein the tonsils become inflamed.…
Mono rash

Mono rash

Mono rash is a common symptoms experienced when affected with mononucleosis, also commonly known as kissing disease. The virus that leads to mononucleosis is often transferred to saliva, usually as…