Swollen Tonsils

Swollen tonsils are often caused due to a condition called Tonsillitis; in fact both are used as synonyms to each other. Tonsillitis is a condition wherein the tonsils become inflamed.…


Progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome is one of the rarest and progressive genetic disorders that lead to rapid ageing of children usually starting in their first two years. Children with Progeria…
Erythema Multiforme

Erythema Multiforme

Erythema multiforme/EM is a skin condition characterized by hyper-reaction of very sensitive skin to primarily an underlying case of herpes simplex viral infection which results in the formation of abnormal…

Bubbles in Urine

Bubbles in urine is typically associated with the elimination of waste products produced by the body via urine. Urine may attain a bubbly nature due to simple causes like excess…

Chlorine Rash

Chlorine rash refers to an abnormality of the skin which occurs after it is exposed to chlorine. Most people develop the skin rash after swimming in pools, as pools are…
Ocular Migraine

Ocular Migraine

Ocular migraine is a painless and temporary disturbance to the sight. It can be associated to one or both the eyes. It may cause vision loss or impairment persisting for…
Sulfur Burps

Sulfur Burps

The presence of excess gas/air in the stomach is usually eliminated as a burp from the mouth. Burps typically smell like the food consumed; but occasionally they may smell like…
Is Malaria Contagious?

Is Malaria Contagious?

Malaria is a medical anomaly caused due to parasites which gets transmitted primarily through mosquito bites. The condition causes recurrent episodes of fever and tremor. It is recorded that approximately…