Shingles on Scalp

Shingles is a skin condition caused due to reactivation of the varicella zoster virus which causes chickenpox. The viral migrates to the body’s nerve tissues after recovery from chickenpox and…

Tortuous Colon

The medical condition of a redundant colon is referred to as a tortuous colon. The normal length of a colon is around five feet. The colon in patients tends to…

Supernumerary Teeth

‘Supernumerary teeth’ is an oral condition marked by presence of more than normal number of teeth. Also known as hyperdontia, it is a rare abnormality that affects about 1 to…

Lupus Rash

Lupus rash is a symptom of a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease called lupus. The disease is marked by attack of the healthy organs and tissues of the body by the…

Erythema Marginatum

Erythema marginatum is an uncommon skin condition marked by formation of a distinctive rash; pinkish rings in the inner parts of extremities, the trunk, and the upper body; and is…